
Vaccinations are one of those things that is supposed to help us, not harm us. In many cases, though, they have done more harm than good. Vaccines in some individuals have even caused death. So why do people still line up to get the flu vaccine or to have their child vaccinated for school.

Why are we still putting our trust into 3rd party “professionals”. YOU have lived with your body your entire life and should know it better than ANYONE – so why do you hurry to the doctor and have things injected into your body that you know nothing about and with a doctor who knows nothing about your body?? And if you do try to ask your doctor to explain them to you, they either WILL NOT or CANNOT. They may haze over a few things, like side effects, treatments and ingredients. Don’t know? This is a good website to get started.

For example, did you know they include chick embryo eggs? And bovine serum? And human cells? And mouse brain cells? They are MOST DEFINITELY NOT VEGAN. And the chemicals? Anything with the word “acid” in it does NOT sound like something to put into a human body. Mercury? Formaldehyde also? I am pretty sure that is what goes into our body upon death.

If you decide that you want to participate in vaccinations, I believe you should do some research and make an informed decision.

Ask yourself if risking illness, complications or even death is worth it? Ask yourself if injecting mouse brain cells and mercury into your child is necessary. Or if injecting it into yourself is necessary.

Vaccines has been reported to cause the following conditions in a human body:

skin rashes
brain disorders
chronic fatigue syndrome

and more.

Dr. Mercola has a good article here, too.

People: we CANNOT put our trust into government officials or corporations anymore. We need to start opening our eyes; we need to ASK questions; we need to wake up! Question EVERYTHING! Be aware of what is going on around you! Put your trust into YOURSELF! Know that we, the humans of planet Earth, have control over what goes into our bodies!!

Do yourself a favor and BE INFORMED!

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