Quit your job


slaveperson1  I assume that if you are reading this post you are entirely interested in getting out of your job. Or maybe not — maybe you are just curious as to what the post is about and you really do enjoy your job. Then I say to you, “Congratulations!” Because you are one of about 5% of the population that truly loves what they do for a living. Then there are those of us that know exactly what having a “job” means and are in the process of getting FREE. I say to you, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK and INSPIRE OTHERS!!!

And the rest of us?

The rest of us are working our jobs either because:

  • a.) Our parents told us to get a job.
  • b.) It’s a family business so we just “grew” up in this job.
  • c.) It was the highest paying job we found.
  • d.) It was the only job we could get at the time.
  • e.) We have to pay bills and don’t know what else to do for money.
  • f.) We don’t have any life plan and don’t know what to do.

Or something else along those lines. This means that the rest of us just have to have money, basically, to live and that is why we are working at the job we have. Some of us did go to school, get a degree and then get that job because it paid a lot of money, or because we just simply didn’t know what else to do and had input from everyone around us to do something.

What does J.O.B mean anyways?? Just over broke — we have all heard that. It keeps us in this perpetual hamster wheel type state, unable to get ahead and just enough to stay on the hamster wheel. And a lot of us live in fear that if we don’t have that J.O.B, we will be out on the street or on social welfare, even more dependent on a broken system.

But it does not have to be this way. You can quit your job today and move on to bigger and better things. Stop being a slave to the system! Stop conforming and join the many people that are abandoning the system. Why? Because if we all make this a group effort; if we all abandon the system at the same time; if we all work together and work towards higher consciousness and a better way of living, then the old system will slowly fade away. Bottom line — it’s US that have to change. WE need to start working on US first and then the rest will follow!

So 5 reasons to quit your job??

rich11.) Stop making someone else rich. I find it funny that people work at “A Company” and “A Company” makes designer bags that are sold for 300 dollars a bag. But the people that work at the company make 8 dollars an hour. Hmmmm…. The company also uses slave labor in 3rd world countries, who they pay even less money to and you work for a company that does this sort of thing. And maybe you even purchase the bag, because your company, “A Company”, lets you have a 10% discount. Why? Why do you do this? YOU are perpetuating YOUR OWN SLAVERY!! You are “allowing” them to exploit you! Why? Because then you can tell your friends how “stylish” you are to have this designer bag, while promoting slavery not only in your home country, but in other countries as well, where labor laws are a tenth of what they are in the “western” world?? You mean to tell me that your designer bag is worth MORE than your freedom? Your bag is worth more than your precious TIME, which is a limited commodity and which you will NEVER get back?? All the while someone else is getting filthy rich off of all YOUR efforts??

2.) Use your OWN creative mind. ALL of us have unique talents that we were born with. We are all special and are capable of doing particular things that no one else can do! We all have a set of talents that we need to develop and use, because these talents can be used to do great things for the planet AND for human kind! Why aren’t you developing them? Do you know what you are capable of?? We all have SO MUCH potential inside of us, just waiting to be let out and be fully expressed!

drone13.) You are NOT a corporate drone. We humans, we not meant to sit at a computer desk 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week in some corpseration to try “invent” some new application that tells us when our cat went to the toilet. I mean, are you kidding me?? Such absurdities really exist in our world and there are human beings literally dedicating their precious time; their entire lives, to do things that have NO REAL IMPORTANCE on the face of the earth. There are things on our planet that are completely USELESS. How many hours a day did the makers of silly putty stay in their offices thinking of the best way that a completely useless object could be molded, thrown, squished, smashed, crunched, or balled up and still retain the same form afterwards? Did this really move us forward as a human race??

4.) No job security. Yes, that’s right. The fact of the matter is, is that there is NO job security anywhere in the world. Corporations are a dime a dozen and small, medium and large companies open and close all the time. Your company could go bankrupt tomorrow. You could be fired at any moment. Your company could merge and your position could be outsourced to someone in Nicaragua. You are no longer “safe” having a traditional 9-5 job. You are much safer if you begin to take matters into you OWN hands NOW.

liberta25.) Start to live your life again! Having a boss and a job prevents us from doing things we enjoy, for example creating art or music, being with family and friends, or attending events. How many of us have already turned down an invitation to a wedding, or family event, or even our own child’s first soccer game because we “had to work”. How many of us schedule our vacation time around “work”? What about when a loved one is sick or in the hospital? How many of us have actually risked losing, or actually lost a job to take care of a sick or dying loved one? And what about the birth of a new born baby? How many mothers leave the hospital and instead of spending time with their brand-new baby, have to get back to work for fear they will be “replaced”.
Are you kidding me?

The sad thing is, though, is that we as human beings are accepting these conditions! We drop everything for our jobs that barely keep us treading water! We are “afraid” that we cannot make it on our own. We are still waiting for the slave-owner to give us something to eat because we are “afraid” that we cannot grow our own food. The truth is, is that we can only blame ourselves. I know it’s easy to blame society, but by blaming someone or something else, we also give the responsibility to someone or something else.

We need to stand up for ourselves; we need to ask questions and NOT accept this “status-quo” or whatever that is supposed to mean. We need NOT accept less than standard conditions and need to start to get our priorities straightened out. And the more of us that jump on this bandwagon, the easier it will be for our own and future generations.

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