Majariasana – dynamic cat pose

Cat/Cow, or known as Majariasana – dynamic cat pose

Excellent to start morning and can also be done an hour before bed to relax mind.

To perform: Start on all fours. Please use soft surface like carpeting or mat if knees have difficulties on hard surface.

Inhale deeply opening the chest, shoulders back and down, neck relaxed. Be aware of shoulders as to not squeeze or scrunch them up. This is cow position, or Bitilasana. Exhale concaving, or making hollow, the back. Abdominal muscles and navel will push up towards spine, as if you are hugging a beach ball. Keep the wrists firm on the ground, shoulders over the wrists and press into the ground. This is cat position, or Majariasana.

Great for removing stagnant energy, opening lungs, improving breath and oxygen intake, eliminating toxins, facilitating removal of tiredness from body, clearing blockages in mental body, improves mood, improves circulation, improves postures, relieves backache and especially helpful for stiff back, opens hips, aids in menstrual disorders, improves digestion, eliminates bloating and too much air, strengthens digestive and reproductive organs, strengthens abdominal muscles and reduces fat in midsection, reduces depression, reduces anxiety, gives overall sense of good feeling and happiness in the mind and body.

Please take care if you have shoulder or wrist injuries and practice and a pace that is comfortable for you. This is good for pregnant women, take care to pay attention to breath and body movement at all times.

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