Functions and Causes of imbalances of doshas

Functions and Causes of imbalances of doshas
Functions of Vata: all physical movement, maintain life, communicate, governs mind, sense perception, motor functions, respiration, heart function, circulation, ingestion, absorption, elimination, menses, delivery of baby, cellular respiration and division, heaving, touch, clarity, creativity, joy.
5 Causes of Vata imbalance: wrong diet, seasons, illness, emotions or negative mental thoughts or too much exercise.
Functions of Pitta: metabolism, digestion, absorption, assimilate food, body temperature, hunger, thirst, taste, colour, luster of eyes, hair, skin, body, sensitive/reactive body, intelligence, understanding, comprehension, knowledge, courage, ambition, transformation, visual perception.
5 causes of Pitta imbalance: anger, hot/spicy foods, too much drinking alcohol, drugs or medication, hot weather.
Functions of Kapha: lubrication, nourishment, support and stability, groundedness, growth, gastric secretions, water electrolyte balance, fat regulation, strength and stamina, energy, sleep, repair and regeneration, memory retention, contentment, forgiveness, compassion, taste perception, smell.
5 causes of Kapha imbalance: too little exercise, blocked emotions, eating when emotional, too much sweet, sedentary/too much sleep

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