
Endocrine system and connection to chakras: Pineal and hypothalamus ( brain ) – Sahasara chakra Pituitary gland ( base of neck ) – Ajna chakra Thyroid gland ( neck ) – Visuddhi chakra Thymus gland ( chest region ) – Anahata chakra Pancreas ( base of stomach ) – Manipura chakra Gonads ( testes and...
Steps in Suryanamaskar: 1. pranamasana (prayer) 2. hastottanasana (lifted hands) 3. padahastasana (hands to feet pose) 4. ashwa sanchalana (literally, horse riding) 5. parvatasana (mountain) 6. ashtanga namaskar (8 touching points, body to floor) 7. bhujangasana (cobra) 8. parvatasana 9. ashwa sanchalana 10. padahastasana 11. hastottansana 12. pranamasana Check out more asana in my book,...
Cat/Cow, or known as Majariasana – dynamic cat pose Excellent to start morning and can also be done an hour before bed to relax mind. To perform: Start on all fours. Please use soft surface like carpeting or mat if knees have difficulties on hard surface. Inhale deeply opening the chest, shoulders back and down,...
What yoga style? Need some tips on how to choose your yoga style? Maybe you are just getting started and lost in the many different types of yoga there are. Maybe you are a seasoned yogi that wants to try some other styles. Maybe you just want to try them all before deciding what is right for...
Tittibhasana, or Firefly pose, is an advanced asana with not only a sounding name in both English and Sanskrit, but it has numerous benefits for the entire body. Although looks can be deceiving, the actual asana is not as challenging as it looks. With a bit of practice, you will get there in no time! Tittibhasana is...
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