
Savasana, also called corpse pose, is a yoga posture (asana) that relaxes the entire body and psycho-physiological system. Ideally it is best practiced before sleep, and can also be taken before, during or after any yoga asana practice, especially after a more dynamic sequence such as Surya or Chandra Namaskar. It can also be taken...
Ujjayi pranayama (breath) is also called the psychic breath. The benefits are that it is classified as a relaxing and stress reducing pranayama. It also has a heating effect on the body. It is recommended for Vata Dosha predominant people because of this tranquilizing and heating effect. Ujjayi soothes the nervous system, calms the mind,...
Wisdom from Srimad Bhagavatam: *Trust no future, however pleasant. *All perceptions and activities are conditioned by the material nature. *Life is never made comfortable by artificial means, but by living simply and high thinking.
Yamas: (external ethics) ahimsa – non violence satya – truth asteya – non-stealing, responsibility brahmacharya – celibacy, also meaning moderation aparigraha – non attachment Niyamas: (internal ethics) saucha – purity santosha – contentment tapas – discipline svadyaya – self-study ishvara pranidhana – surrender to something higher
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