
Doshas in excess Vata: gas, bloating, unfocused, agitated, anxious, scattered mind, restless, dry skin, brittle hair, aching and sore body, cracking/popping joints, constipation, brittle bones. Remedies: needs grounding, warm and oily foods (pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, chili, cinnamon) Deep breathing with ujjayi to warm body and calm mind. Grounding asana, regular routine, eat regular meals...
Functions and Causes of imbalances of doshas Functions of Vata: all physical movement, maintain life, communicate, governs mind, sense perception, motor functions, respiration, heart function, circulation, ingestion, absorption, elimination, menses, delivery of baby, cellular respiration and division, heaving, touch, clarity, creativity, joy. 5 Causes of Vata imbalance: wrong diet, seasons, illness, emotions or negative mental...
Eat healthier and live longer. What is the biggest problem with food that people suffer from today? It isn’t high cholesterol, it isn’t high blood pressure, it isn’t even obesity. The biggest problem is that people are unconscious eaters, isn’t it? People simply do not know how to eat consciously. They either eat too much...
Cinnamon not only tastes great on just about everything from vegan cookies, to vegan cakes, but also in other vegan dishes like mashed potatoes, or sweet potato pie! It is extremely versatile and smells wonderful too. Cinnamon oil is highly sought after as an essential oil used for relaxion – and rightly so, since it...
Ginger is an excellent addition to any vegan kitchen and has many holistic healing properties, as well. It is often looked over in the supermarket and people know it most often from the pink, chinese restaurant or canned version. This version unfortunately unless pickled by hand, is often full of chemicals. However, real, fresh ginger...
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