
Panchkarma treatments for types of Agni Manda agni: slow metabolism, poor digestion, increased Kapha, can lead to Kapha disorders. Becomes manda from slow, dull, heavy, oily and liquid qualities. Treatment: vamana. Tikshna agni: sharp metabolism, quick digestion related to increased Pitta, leads to Pitta disorders. Becomes tikshna from hot, sharp, light qualities. Treatment: virechana Vishama...
Great Autumn Spice: Nutmeg   Nutmeg is not only delicious when making pies or soups, but also has several benefits to use in our daily lives. Nutmeg can help with insomnia, premature ejaculation, helps with digestion, warms the body on cool days and can also lower blood pressure.   It is astringent, so will also...
Acid reflux: this means, there is too much heat in the system. We must cool the agni (digestive fire).   Avoid: stress and reduce anger. No TV during meals, no heated discussions during meals Avoid liquor or alcohol Avoid spicy foods   Eat fresh, cooling foods like cucumber, leafy greens, fresh fruits   Herbs that...
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