Best foods for Vata Dosha

What are best foods for Vata dosha?


Vata should favor sweet, salty and sour foods!


Sweet fruit, banans, berries, grapes, lemons, sweet melons, peaches, plums, prunes and raisins (soaked).


Most cooked vegetables (Vata should favor cooked versus raw), asparagus, beets, carrots, onions, peas, sweet potato, pumpkin, spinach, summer squashes like zucchini.


Grains like amaranth (in moderation), cooked oats, quinoa, all rice (basmati, brown, white, wild) and wheat.


Legumes like red lentils, mung beans, tofu (in moderation) — Vata should be careful of beans, as this will increase vata creating gas and bloating – please soak beans and add salt to help break down)


If you take dairy: Most dairy is OK for Vata, however hard cheese can be difficult in digestion. If cow milk is uncomfortable, take goat milk.


All nuts are good in moderation.


Seeds: flax, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower.


Oils: ghee, sesame, olive and coconut oil can be used externally. Most other oils are suitable and can be used in moderation. Stay away from overly processed oils and purchase good quality.


Coffee will aggravate vata dosha, it will increase jumpy mind and anxiety, increase restlessness. Vata should avoid caffeine. If you are a coffee drinker, choose chicory substitute or barley coffee.


Avoid cold drinks, as this will increase cold quality in vata. Favor warming drinks, especially in fall – cinnamon tea is nice. Also herbal tea that will help with digestion can be licorice or fennel teas.


Sweeteners: Most all sweeteners are good for vata except refine white sugar (all doshas should avoid this) Maple syrup can be used occasionally.


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