

Basil is a very easy herb to find fresh in many supermarkets and is fairly economical. It not only is an excellent addition to many dishes such as pasta, basmati rice, soups and just about any sautéed vegetable. It may be most famous for pesto sauce. Basil is the prime ingredient along with pine nuts, olive oil, and garlic. However, basil has many healing properties that most people don’t know about. 

Basil is a delicate herb. It is prone to many plant diseases. It also needs just the right temperature and care to survive. Hot, dry climates are not very friendly. This herb likes humidity and can handle heat, but in a shady area. Direct sunlight will burn the leaves. Fresh basil is best left out at room temperature, also. It does not handle cold temperatures of the refrigerator and will burn in the freezer. It can be dried.


Purple basil

Purple basil

Many different varieties can include sweet basil, Thai basil, lemon basil, purple basil and holy basil to name a few. 

It was native to India and is used frequently in Ayurveda for its healing properties. The leaves can be made into a tea or ground and used as a paste. The oil can be extracted to make tinctures. Some of these healing properties include:

  • helps with depression
  • helps with fear and anxiety
  • stimulates the immune system and produces antibodies
  • eliminates stomachache
  • eliminate stomach parasites
  • antibacterial
  • antiseptic
  • can be used for insect bites
  • reduces flu symptoms, like cough, fever or vomiting
  • reduces headache
  • helps with asthma
  • helps with sinus blockage
  • calms rheumatism symptoms
  • calms arthritis
  • reduces acne
  • helps to make sweat
  • suppresses muscle spasms

lord krishna con capraIn many places in the world basil was also supposed to help the dead or dying to reach the gates of Heaven or to have a safe journey to the other side. It is also said that Lord Krishna carried a garland of basil around his neck to remain unattached to the world at increase his faith.

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