Ayurveda, Yoga and Tarot



Ayurveda is called the science of life. This is the understanding of what the human condition is and how this physical manifested body that we carry around with us actually works.


You might say that Ayurveda is the Guidebook to the human body. And Yoga is the Guidebook to the Soul.


Ayurveda shows us what we are made of physically, how to take care of our “container”, how emotions and mental thoughts and beliefs can influence us and how all of these things are put together.


Ayurveda on a practical levels helps you have better health. It knows what foods are best for each constitution. It knows what herbs work best for specific physical, mental or emotional ailments. It teaches us what kind of lifestyle is best adapted to each and every single individual out there. Because it knows that each and every person IS an individual and must be treated as such! No two people on the planet have the same perspective, the same beliefs, the same thoughts nor do they have the same two physical, mental or emotional make-up. Each person IS unique!


But Ayurveda is much more than just knowing the elements in your body and knowing your constitution. It is much more than taking some herbs to calm the “monkey” mind, or changing your habitation to a climate that suits you better.


There is a much deeper level that begins to ignite the Soul and pushes us towards Yoga. Ayurveda could be called the stepping stone. And it is here that we much begin our journey. By putting our physical, mental and emotional health back together, we can then begin on the spiritual path.

More on Ayurveda

Ayurveda is the science of life. “Ayur” meaning life and “veda” meaning knowledge or wisdom. It was handed down to us from the ancient Rishis, or seers, from India and that were given these truths from our Higher Source.


These hidden secrets are just now starting to make there way to us, as more and more people translate these ancient texts and share their deep, life-enhancing words.


The most basic concepts shared in Ayurveda are the doshas, or constitution. Every person on the planet is born with a specific dosha, that only he or she has. These doshas are made up of five elements, or, the panchamahabhuta. These are the building blocks for all life on planet earth and when not in balance, can wreak havoc on our physical, mental or emotional bodies.


Fortunately, this wisdom gave us not only the knowledge on how this system works, but gave many remedies on how we can live in harmony with our specific dosha.


Through certain foods, herbs, lifestyles, exercises, dinancharya – or morning routine – and by living in harmony with everything around us, we can maximize tour own health and well-being.


Your Ayurvedic constitution is a combination of different elements. These elements make up your DOSHA. There are 3 doshas in Ayurveda:

  • Vata = air + ether
  • Pitta = fire + water
  • Kapha = water + earth

Your dosha is specific to YOU ​​and to maintain balance, the proper food, weather, lifestyle, habits and exercise need to be applied.

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an Ayurvedic consultation to learn your constitution and bring balance and harmony to your life!




  • Salty and sweet taste helps VATA DOSHA. Salt increases the ability to digest and assimilate nutrients and minerals. VATA DOSHA people are prone to having arthritis, stiffness, bone and joint pain and may lose nutrients from the bones faster than other DOSHAS. Salty foods also help VATA to digest, reducing gas and bloating. Healthy salt will help to break down foodstuffs. Sweet foods help to calm the anxious and frenetic VATA mind.
  •  Sweet and astringent taste helps PITTA DOSHA. Sweet helps to reduce anger and frustration in the PITTA individual. PITTA is fire and water, so has a tendency to be hotter than other doshas. Sweets are naturally cooling to the PITTA person. We all know what happens when you give sweet treats to angry children, don’t we? They calm down! Astringent foods help to bind the stool. Hot PITTA people may suffer from loose and hot bowel movements, so astringent can bind and cool down the digestive tract and help maintain healthy digestion.
  • Bitter and pungent helps KAPHA DOSHA. Bitter taste helps to curb the sweet tooth and maintain healthy weight. KAPHA people have a tendency to put on weight just by looking at food! They also suffer from allergies, lung and breathing issues and increased mucus production which is all caused by too much sugar and dairy. Bitter foods help reduces the congestion and weight gain that KAPHA people incur. Pungent tastes help to burn off AMA, or toxins. KAPHA individuals like to laze around and easily accumulate toxins. Pungent taste is hot and helps to increase the fire in their body, increasing digestion, burning toxins and providing energy.

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Yoga is realizing what your true essence is. It is self-realization. Yoga is what we need in the world to bring the entire planet back into harmony.


Yoga is stepping away from the mass collective consciousness and remembering first, that we are just a drop of God Consciousness manifested in the physical. And so many mistaken this Consciousness for the “hive” mind. But the “hive” mind we are currently seeing in the world is not higher Consciousness. It is madness. It is insanity. It is at best what we may call in political terms as “communism”. However great of an idealogy communism seems to be, it is extremely dangerous as a concept as long as the forces of evil seek to control.


Yoga is stepping out of this dangerous mass psychosis of the “hive” mind and remembering first what it means to be human. 


If everyone on the planet did this, we would truly have a Great Awakening.

More on Yoga

Yoga comes to us in Sanskrit from “yogachittavriddhinirodah”. It is calming the thought waves in the mind field. By starting the process of calming the thoughts, you can start to listen to the real voice of the Divine within yourself. Yoga, meaning “yoke”, is that process of uniting yourself with that Divine part of you.


On a practical level, yoga includes a certain way we go about our day; a mindfulness we bring into our daily activities. It includes respecting life, or ahimsa (non-violence).


Yoga also includes many parts that most people are familiar with: the asanas (positions), the pranayam (breathing exercises),  the mantras (repetitive prayer or incantation) and the meditation. The asanas are actually the smallest part of the entire practice of yoga and could maybe account for about 1% of yogic practice. However, even the asana and every other practice in Yoga revolves around one thing: stilling the mind in order to listen.


As we see in the Elephant God Ganesh, we can see that he is given two gigantic ears and just one small mouth. Why? Because he reminds us we should listen more than speak. This is yoga.



Tarot helps us on a subtle, mental level. It specifically targets our subconscious mind and helps us to connect with our higher self, the part of us we are destined to become. It is up to us to follow the road to become what we should become, however. Tarot is the guidebook that can assist us; the map to the inner realms.


Tarot is filled with symbols and archetypes. Archetypes are primal patterns of thought that are imprinted on the subconscious mind. They are instinctive and intuitive.


What is an example of a powerful archetype in the Tarot? Take a look at the Empress. This is the archetypical mother. Classically speaking, what does mother represent on a collective level? Nurturing, caring, compassion, love, fertility, creation, abundance – she nurtures and helps her children to grow.


As an example, we can take a classical symbol of Demeter, the Greek Goddess of Agriculture and Harvest. She represents grains and the fertility and abundance of the Earth. Demeter is a representation of creation and the beginning of a seed that is just about to grow. She is always ready to give birth. She can be seen as a symbol of mother for her creative energy, just as the Empress in the Tarot.



Tarot readings are available here. 

More on tarot


These archetypes and other meaningful symbols on the cards invoke and spur into being the answers to life’s most sometimes most difficult questions; answers that we already know which are buried in the subconscious and collective minds.


Tarot can help us to retrieve these answers and start transforming our lives by using the knowledge we already have within. One learns to listen. It is only by silencing the mind and by listening that we can receive and absorb the replies that lie within.


One can say the tarot is guarding lost knowledge and wisdom. It holds secret knowledge of manifestation and empowerment. It can help guide us through the dark forest of our lives and awaken to the true spiritual beings we really are.


Tarot is the bringer of secret messages and the revelation of energies that we are supposed to know in that particular moment that we are asking.