Six tastes in Ayurveda

The 6 tastes in Ayurveda:
Salty (lavana)
Sweet (madhura)
Sour (amla)
Bitter (tikta)
Astrigent (kashaya)
Pungent (katu)
Vata benefits from: lavana, madhura and amla
Pitta benefits from: madhura, tikta and kashaya
Kapha benefits from: tikta, kashaya and katu
Right now spring season is coming for many parts of the world. It is a good time to decrease too many sweets and mucus forming foods and try to add more green vegetables, or bitter and astringent tastes.
This will help to detox the body from the past season, where you may have eaten more heavier foods. Adding spices will also help to boost your agni, or digestive fire, so you can burn the toxins easier. Burning toxins will give you more energy and let you get outside to enjoy some sunshine!

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