Doshas in excess

Doshas in excess
Vata: gas, bloating, unfocused, agitated, anxious, scattered mind, restless, dry skin, brittle hair, aching and sore body, cracking/popping joints, constipation, brittle bones.
Remedies: needs grounding, warm and oily foods (pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, chili, cinnamon) Deep breathing with ujjayi to warm body and calm mind. Grounding asana, regular routine, eat regular meals and do not skip meals, wear warm and soft clothing.
Pitta: heartburn, inflammation, stomach acid, frustration, irritability, aggression, anger, hot and/or sweating easily, reddish and burning skin, flushed.
Remedies: need to cool down, cooling and calming foods (coconut, cucumber, rose tea, melon, basmati rice, aloe vera). Sheetali pranayam, yin or restorative yoga preferred to do in early morning or late evening to avoid heat of day, stay out of sun, wear white and light breathable clothing. Take moonlight when possible.
Kapha: heavy and dull in mind, slow in thinking, sluggish, demotivated, lethargic, depressed, tendency to weight gain, breathing or lung problems.
Remedies: needs to eat light and dry, warm foods, astringent like apples, crisp like celery, avoid heavy food or dairy, take strenuous physical activity daily and bring to sweat on brow, change routine and avoid stagnant situations.

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