TV and the mainstream media

We have moved into the Conceptual Age. Higher Consciousness is upon us whether we want it or not. Those that do not accept it will remain in the reptilian brain, unable to move up that ladder to a better life; more peace of mind; a connection to the spiritual.

The questions of this moment in time are, Who are we and what are we doing here?

tvkidsSo what about the TV? This black box sitting in the corner of a room, which emits low frequencies that permeate your energy body and consume your life energy. TV is from the past. TV is an invention that made a statement and now needs to be retired along with the rest of its electronic kin, like the radio or the microwave.

Are you still watching it? Are you STILL letting others program your mind? Are you STILL wasting away hours while watching some mind-numbing program??

If you are, you should take it immediately to some TV recycle shop, have them pay you 5 dollars for it and use that 5 dollars to buy someone a coffee.

Let me ask you – all these years of your life, what has TV contributed to you?

Has TV made your life better?
Has it made you money?
Has it resolved your emotional problems or filled that “empty” feeling?
Has it given you a solution as to how to change jobs?
Has it contributed to peace of mind?

I can probably answer NO to these questions for you. How?

1) TV costs money, so you probably did not get rich watching TV.
2.) I imagine your emotional problems are worse, because if you see all the violence, sex, filthy language, subliminal messages, hatred, poking fun etc on TV, then you probably actually felt worse.
3.) If you hate your job, why did you come home all those years to watch your favorite TV show INSTEAD of coming home to look for another job, or CREATE something on the side, or CONTRIBUTE your time to volunteer work?
4.) TV is simply an escape – nothing more. TV will not solve your problems. It will only help you escape from them, but the reality is after you go to bed and get up again in the morning the problems are still there.

Did you know TV causes all kinds of health problems too? Like obesity, sleeping disorders, and stunted sensory development? Plus we all know that “sitting” is the new “smoking”, so TV watching can cause lower back pain and circulation problems, as well.

Take responsibility for your life. Sit down and write in detail what your PERFECT life would look like. Do you still work the same job? Are you in the same relationships? Do you live in the same city? Then start to make a plan on HOW to get what it is you want. It may not happen exactly how you want it to happen, but you may come close. And be realistic. Start making small changes. Like getting rid of the TV, for starters.

Get some books or search the internet for new information on what it is you want.

TV does NOTHING for our true happiness.

It is mean to keep us in a zombie-like slave state. It is meant to keep the FEAR instilled in us so we do not have courage to step out on our own. It is meant to keep us focused, like a horse with blinders, on brain-numbing nonsense. It is a tool that those in control are using to keep us down. They keep us brainwashed. They keep us scared. They keep us unmotivated.

So let’s nurture our brains instead of polluting them with mind-control, brain-washing, low frequency junk!

Get out there and take a yoga class, walk in nature, read a book, spend time with your family, cook a healthy meal, meditate, volunteer your time, ride a bicycle, help an elderly person, write a novel, paint a picture, play an instrument or learn a language! It’s your choice – do you want to improve your life?

So let’s take charge! We can change it! By changing ourselves for the better, we can change the entire world, one by one!

So do something awesome today and trash your TV!!

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