Tittibhasana Firefly pose

Tittibhasana, or Firefly pose, is an advanced asana with not only a sounding name in both English and Sanskrit, but it has numerous benefits for the entire body.

Although looks can be deceiving, the actual asana is not as challenging as it looks. With a bit of practice, you will get there in no time! Tittibhasana is an arm balance, so it will require some time to experiment with your balance ?

Let’s see some of the physical and mental benefits:

  • Tightens and tones the abdominal region
  • Improves digestion
  • Stretches the lower back and groin
  • Stretches the hamstrings
  • Helps maintain equilibrium
  • Helps concentration
  • Good for the mind
  • Strengthens arms and wrists
  • Strengthens patience and perseverance
  • Release tension and stress from the body

On a spiritual level, Tittibhasana can also help us to remember to be like fireflies, carrying that inner light wherever we go! We have a choice everyday to use our light and to share it with others. So next time you try the firefly pose, let your inner-light truly shine!


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